KC761 Firmware Downloads and Upgrades

Upgrade Packs Download

Information about fixes and improvements for each version of firmware is included in the upgrade package.

Beta Firmware for KC761/KC761A/KC761B/KC761C/KC761CN

From V1.62 to V1.74, several beta versions were experienced, including 27 major improvements, most of which are improvements to the underlying architecture that are not obvious to the user and will not be listed one by one.

Improvements that users need to know about:

1. Events below 5 keV are excluded from dose statistics;

2. Card reader function has been added and can be used in the FUNC-Communication menu.

3. The graphing method has been changed. The gradient points between adjacent points are no longer set, and the graph style has changed significantly (the previous graph was smooth but would not match the cursor reading, while the current graph strictly obeys the data but is not smooth enough).

4. The data of the PIN and 6Li sensors is no longer smoothed when plotted, and is always measured in the measured. For example, a neutron event may produce a dose rate graph of a few μSv/h (but only for 1 second), rather than spreading it over several minutes as in the past. This method is more in line with reality.

5. You can use headphones when the speaker is turned off.

6. Cancel the function of keeping the γ spectrum diagram after the machine is turned off (because of other intolerable losses).

7. Optimize the file export function.

8. Better support for the neutron sensor option, using the γ sensor for identification.

9. Added the option of intensively counting sounds.

Matters to be developed or improved:

1. Since version 1.42, the strong radiation warning function has been temporarily cancelled and is awaiting redevelopment.

2. The automatic nuclide identification function has not yet been developed.

3. The unit settings have not yet been added, and the dose rate algorithm needs to be improved, as the dose rate error may be too large.

4. Due to memory limitations, turning on the Bluetooth function can cause the TF card storage function to fail.


Beta Firmware for KC761/KC761A/KC761B/KC761C/KC761CN

Released on December 30, 2024, about 1.21MB. CoprocessorFW v0.9

1. Support KC761C/CN 

2. For KC761A/B, support users to add KC7601.31 neutron sensor

3.   For devices with neutron sensor, γ sensor and neutron sensor are turned on at the same, and the battery time is shortened to 7 days

4. Enable auto storage function, adjust the TF card storage content

5. Increase marker size, bold dose rate cIharacters, improve UI layout, fix UI bugs

6. Add time zone setting function

7. Reduce the probability of setting loss due to low battery. Add few default values to avoid serious failures caused by lost settings

8. Store γ spectrograms when turn off and continue to measurement them power is turned on

9. fix the PIN sensor energy scale, which is done in vacuum with α-rays as a reference

10. fix several other BUGs

This is the lowest version that can be installed on the KC761C/CN, That model downgrading below this version will cause a malfunction and must be returned to the factory for repair. 


Firmware for KC761/KC761A/KC761B

Released on July 4, 2024, about 1.17MB. CoprocessorFW v0.8

Improve compatibility with V1.0, V1.1 hardware. Repair problems such as gamma dose rate user revision not taking effect, initial value of reading is zero after smoothing.



Beta test firmware for KC761/KC761A/KC761B

Released on June 4, 2024, about 1.17MB. CoprocessorFW v0.8

When upgrading from an older version, you may encounter a bug when shutdown  it shows “IP Conflict”, so please try rebooting, powering down, and update again.



IMPORTANT: Only for KC761B. DO NOT install firmware v1.43 on your KC761, or it will result in serious malfunction, which must be returned to the factory to fix.

Released on Feb 4, 2024, about 1.17MB. CoprocessorFW v0.7


Released on September 8, 2023, about 1.17MB.

Released on August 21, 2023, about 1.17MB.

Released on August 3, 2023, about 1.21MB.

Released on June 27, 2023, about 938kB.

Released on June 25, 2023, about 932kB. 

Any upgrade from V1.0 or below, this upgrade package must be installed first.

Released on June 16, 2023, about 860kB.

Not recommended.

Released April 6, 2023, about 388kB.
